Our realizations
Cohesives anCore Technology
Based on the ANCORE technology®, Cohesives focuses its development on several innovative products in the
field of wounds healing and surgical incisions closure.
The evidences
national patents
scientific publications
product on the market
OTC product close to CE/FDA approval
Our products
COHESIVES develops an OTC product close to CE/FDA approval. The roll-out will be done partnering with an international company.
COHESIVES has designed and rolled out Novacika synthetic epidermis® in the veterinary market, meant for treating clean wounds healing by secondary intention. This product performed a clinical trial of 50 horses’ wounds: novacika.com
Co-development strategy
Cohesives promotes a co-development strategy for its projects. The company develops patents and then can partner at any stage, from an early stage, clinical trial phase or for the roll-out.